PIN Benchmarking Project Data Collection

The PIN Benchmarking Project has been collecting data since 2001.   PIN Benchmarking consists of measures designed and requested by MT Critical Access Hospital on utilization and operational performance indicators.   These data are commonly used for internal reporting and comparison to peer hospitals.

Benchmarking reports are sent to MT CAH QIC on the 15th of every month, QIC’s or the provider contact will have a week to review and change. Final reports will be sent to CAH Leadership the following week via email from the QHi Platform.

Data Submission

Elements are entered into QHi to calculate certain metrics that are then reported out to CAHs via the automatic quarterly report.

  • Data must be abstracted and entered into QHI in monthly values.
  • When placing these values into QHi, the monthly value will calculate and be visible. Monitor this for any errors/outliers.
  • The monthly data cannot be saved, if there are errors.
  • Recommend activating and saving data after each month of data is entered.
  • All reports are not final! If data is obtained after the quarterly reports go out, data can be backfilled by provider contact and a new report can be generated.

IF your facility submits to Databank, we are able to us this data and it doesn’t need to be entered twice. These metrics are noted.  If you are unsure of what measures are in Databank or if your facility is an active participant, please reach out to Lindsay ([email protected])

Flex recommends reaching out to the QHi team! They are the experts and very helpful and responsive. Contacts can be found on the home screen after you login. It is also encouraged to attend the monthly training sessions, so that any questions you may have can be answered.
